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Ship Your Vehicle To or From Canada

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Experts in Canadian Car Shipping

We are the leader in Canadian Car Shipping. It’s all in the name! No matter what your situation is, Canadian Car Shipping is your number one choice to move you vehicle across the US Canadian Border. Our extensive carrier network and our customs partners allow us to provide you with the best price for your transport, and our experienced Auto Transport Specialists and Dispatch team make the process simple and seamless. When you choose Canadian Car Shipping for your cross country shipping needs, you’re choosing professionals with one goal: your peace of mind.

Always The Best Price

Our extensive carrier network and advanced quoting technology allow us to give you the best price every time. We stand by our prices, and there are never any hidden fees.

Always Protected

We vet our carriers before ever assigning a transport to them. We require them to carry insurance, but we also carry our own backup insurance to keep you double covered at all time.

Always Here To Help

Our experienced Auto Transport Specialists are happy to answer any questions you may have throughout the process, and can be reached by phone, email, or text.

Ready To Get Your Quote?

To get your free quote, fill out the form below. One of our Canadian Car Shipping representatives will create a custom quote to match your situation and reach out to you via email and phone within one business day. If you have any issues filling out the form below, or if you don’t have all of the information required, please feel free to email us directly at or call us at (800) 665-6803.

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Summary for Quote #

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